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Title: The risk of thrombosis in essential thrombocythemia is associated with the type of CALR mutation: A multicentre collaborative study
Authors: Pérez Encinas, Manuel M.
Sobas, Marta
Gómez Casares, María Teresa 
Abuin Blanco, Aitor
Noya Pereira, María Soledad
Raya, José María
Andrade‐Campos, Marcio M.
Álvarez Larrán, Alberto
Lewandowski, Krzysztof
Łukasz, Szukalski
Hernández Boluda, Juan Carlos
Ferrer‐Marín, Francisca
Fox, María Laura
Gołos, Aleksandra
Gasior Kabat, Mercedes
Magro Mazo, Elena
Czyż, Anna
Martín Martín, Alejandro
Bellosillo Paricio, Beatriz
Quinteiro García, Celsa
González Martín, Jesús María
Stuckey, Ruth
UNESCO Clasification: 320504 Hematología
Keywords: Calreticulin
Myeloproliferative neoplasm
Personalised medicine
Thrombotic risk stratification
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: European Journal of Haematology 
Abstract: Objectives: In patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET), after the JAK2V617F driver mutation, mutations in CALR are common (classified as type 1, 52‐bp deletion or type 2, 5‐bp insertion). CALR mutations have generally been associated with a lower risk of thrombosis. This study aimed to confirm the impact of CALR mutation type on thrombotic risk. Methods: We retrospectively investigated 983 ET patients diagnosed in Spanish and Polish hospitals. Results: With 7.5 years of median follow‐up from diagnosis, 155 patients (15.8%) had one or more thrombotic event. The 5‐year thrombosis‐free survival (TFS) rate was 83.8%, 91.6% and 93.9% for the JAK2V617F, CALR‐type 1 and CALR‐type 2 groups, respectively (P =.002). Comparing CALR‐type 1 and CALR‐type 2 groups, TFS for venous thrombosis was lower in CALR‐type 1 (P =.046), with no difference in TFS for arterial thrombosis observed. The cumulative incidence of thrombosis was significantly different comparing JAK2V617F vs CALR‐type 2 groups but not JAK2V617F vs CALR‐type 1 groups. Moreover, CALR‐type 2 mutation was a statistically significant protective factor for thrombosis with respect to JAK2V617F in multivariate logistic regression (OR: 0.45, P =.04) adjusted by age. Conclusions: Our results suggest that CALR mutation type has prognostic value for the stratification of thrombotic risk in ET patient.
ISSN: 0902-4441
DOI: 10.1111/ejh.13561
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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