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Title: Specific environmental charges to boost Cold Ironing use in the European Short Sea Shipping
Authors: Martínez López, Alba 
Romero-Filgueira, Alejandro
Chica González, Manuel 
UNESCO Clasification: 331912 Construcción naval
3319 Tecnología naval
330801 Control de la contaminación atmosférica
Keywords: Cold Ironing
Internal Rate Of Return
On Shore Power Supply
Sensitivity Analysis
Short Sea Shipping
Issue Date: 2021
Project: Retos de los Puertos Canarios: Desafíos Medioambientales y Conectividad 
Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 
Abstract: Through Directive 2014/94/EU, European Union (EU) has required European ports to provide facilities to enable Cold Ironing (CI) use by 2025. This new reality advances a stricter normative in terms of port emissions. This paper introduces a calculation method to estimate a specific environmental charge in ports to incentivize CI use in Short Sea Shipping. The impact of this charge on the economic performance of the vessel's operators is assessed through Internal Rate of Return of the CI retrofitting investment in vessels. The calculation method assumes a pollutant differentiation system by considering kinds of vessel, technical features, port localization and hinterlands populations. Results show that, only when the generation of on-shore electricity is dominated by sustainable sources, the environmental charge is effective to stimulate the CI retrofitting of vessels in adverse scenarios. Sensitivity analyses determine that low gross tonnages’ vessels with longer berthing times take greater advantage from CI use.
ISSN: 1361-9209
DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2021.102775
Source: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment [ISSN 1361-9209], v. 94, 102775, (Mayo 2021)
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