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Título: Quality and labeling of free range and organic eggs in Canarias
Autores/as: Gómez Hidalgo, Silvia
Director/a : Sanjuán Velázquez, Esther 
Millán Larriva, Rafael 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3309 Tecnología de los alimentos
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Resumen: The present study was proposed based on the increase in the consumption of eggs from alternative systems for raising laying hens in the Canary Islands, based on the consumers concerned about the system sustainability, the quality of the product and animal welfare. The general objective proposed consisted on observe and contrast the quality and freshness of free-range and organic eggs, within the period of their shelf life during the marketing process, in addition to the legal compliance with the labeling. Two analysis controls were carried out on a total of 72 eggs, 36 free-range and 36 organics, collected in different commercial establishments on the islands, during the period of 28 days after laying. The first control was carried out within the second week of commercial life, and the second, at the end of its shelf life. Parameters that indicate the quality were measured (weight, egg flotation, air chamber, maximum width, maximum length, eggshell thickness, height and diameter of the thick albumen, height and diameter of the yolk, color of the yolk, total pH and pH of the yolk and albumen) to calculate the freshness indices (Haugh Units (HU), yolk index, thick albumen index), and legal compliance with the labeling of the packages was evaluated too. It was observed that the evolution of the parameters that determine the quality of free-range and organic eggs was as expected, based on the effects of the time elapsed since egg laying, although, in organic eggs, the evolution of pH did not follow the expected ascending pattern. The organic eggs presented a lower weight and a lighter yolk color than the free-range ones. Indicators such as the air chamber, the diameter of the yolk and the thick white and the pH, did not show to be excellent to evaluate the freshness of organic eggs. The yolk and UH indices recorded were very low in all the analyzed eggs, in comparison with the reference values considered for commercial chicken eggs. A high compliance with the labeling and marking of eggs was observed, in terms of mandatory legal requirements.
Departamento: Departamento de Patología Animal, Producción Animal, Bromatología y Tecnología de Los Alimentos
Facultad: Facultad de Veterinaria
Titulación: Grado en Veterinaria
Colección:Trabajo final de grado

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