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Título: Rock of ages
Autores/as: Vidal Romaní, J. R.
Yepes, Jorge 
Fernández Mosquera, Daniel
De Uña, D.
Twidale, C. R.
Clasificación UNESCO: 250607 Geomorfología
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Resumen: Granite is emplaced deep in the Earth's crust. It cools and crystallises and is subjected to thermal and magmatic events, and to recurrent stresses. It develops textures or fabrics as well as strain patterns which, as erosion brings the rock mass near the surface, find expression in various fracture sets and systems.
Fuente: Binghamton International Geomorphology Symposium (35º.2004. Kentuky): Weathering and landscape evolution: abstracts, p. 31
Derechos: by-nc-nd
Colección:Póster de congreso
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