Statistics: European Journal Of Education And Psychology

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Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 698
NA - North America 590
SA - South America 336
AS - Asia, other 32
AF - Africa 3
OC - Oceania 1
Unknown 5
Total 1665
Country #
ES - Spain 573
US - United States of America 490
CO - Colombia 114
MX - Mexico 74
EC - Ecuador 58
PE - Peru 56
AR - Argentina 47
CL - Chile 30
FR - France 24
DE - Germany 23
other - Other Country 176
Total 1665
City #
Ashburn 102
Madrid 102
Council Bluffs 55
Bogotá 53
Lima 31
Quito 27
Barcelona 26
Granada 19
Dublin 18
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 17
other 859
Total 1309
Most downloaded files #
196352 - imr200,+Gestor_a+de+la+revista,+5+53-64+revisado+definitivo.pdf - ITEM:( 10553/118746) 712
Total 712

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2021 1117 11161611 1813936 293 190
2022 83 15152614 9111756 4155 270
2023 4231 71546150 35354262 7359 615
2024 4483 103819260 725500 00 590
Ever 1665