Ruiz Alzola, Juan Bautista

Sosa Cabrera,Darío ; Krissian , Karl ; González-Fernández, Javier; Gomez-Deniz, Luis ; Rovaris, E. , et al
Issued date: 2009
Source: Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision. Advances in Pattern Recognition / Aja-Fernández S., de Luis García R., Tao D., Li X. (eds), p. 381-403, (2009)
itemlist.container.dc.description.spiq Q1
Capítulo de libro
Sosa-Cabrera, Dario; Tristan-Vega, Antonio; Vegas-Sanchez-Ferrero, Gonzalo; Gonzalez-Fernandez, Javier; Gómez Déniz, Luis , et al
Issued date: 2008
Source: Medical Imaging 2008: Ultrasonic Imaging And Signal Processing [ISSN 0277-786X], v. 6920
Actas de congresos
Sosa-Cabrera, D.; Gonzalez-Fernandez, J.; Gómez Déniz, Luis ; Ruiz Alzola, Juan Bautista 
Issued date: 2007
Source: Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium[ISSN 1051-0117] (4410063), p. 1949-1952
Actas de congresos
Cârdenes, Rubén; Warfield, Simon K.; Ruiz-Alzola, Juan ; Macias, E 
Issued date: 2003
Source: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,v. 1, p. 361-364
Actas de congresos
Cardenes, R.; Warfield, S. K.; Macias, EM ; Santana, J. A. ; Ruiz-Alzola, J. 
Issued date: 2003
Source: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE[ISSN 0302-9743], p. 542-551