Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel

Das, Abhijit; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Morales Moreno, Aythami ; Díaz Cabrera, Moisés ; Pal, Umapada, et al
Issued date: 2021
Source: Document Analysis and Recognition – ICDAR 2021 / Josep Lladós, Prof. Daniel Lopresti, Seiichi Uchida (eds.), v. IV
Actas de congresos
Tolosana, Ruben; Vera-Rodriguez, Ruben; Gonzalez-Garcia, Carlos; Fierrez, Julian; Rengifo, Santiago, et al
Issued date: 2021
Source: Proceedings International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2021
Actas de congresos
Leiva, Luis A.; Díaz Cabrera, Moisés ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Plamondon, Rejean
Issued date: 2021
Source: Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition [ISSN 1051-4651], p. 2612-2619, (Mayo 2021)
SJR: 0,48
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Actas de congresos
Bouamra, Walid ; Díaz Cabrera, Moisés ; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel ; Nini, Brahim
Issued date: 2020
Source: ICIST '20: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, Lecce (Italy), 4-5 June, 2020, Article No. 43
Actas de congresos
Parziale, Antonio; Diaz, Moises ; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Marcelli, Angelo
Issued date: 2017
Source: Graphonomics for e-Citizens: e-Health, e-Society, e-Education / Claudio De Stefano, Angelo Marcelli (Eds.), p.119-122
Actas de congresos
Das, Abhijit; Pal, Umapada; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Blumenstein, Michael
Issued date: 2016
Source: 2016 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Halmstad, 2016, p. 1-6, (Agosto 2016)
Actas de congresos
Díaz Cabrera, Moisés ; González-Sosa, Ester; Morales, Aythami; Henríquez Rodríguez, Patricia; Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel 
Issued date: 2015
Source: II Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Innovación Educativa en al ámbito de las TIC (2015)
Actas de congresos
Morales, Aythami; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Diaz-Cabrera, Moises ; Gonzalez, Esther 
Issued date: 2013
Source: Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology[ISSN 1071-6572] (6922040)
Actas de congresos
Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Diaz-Cabrera, Moises ; Morales, Aythami; Galbally, Javier; Gomez-Barrero, Marta
Issued date: 2013
Source: Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology[ISSN 1071-6572] (6922041)
Actas de congresos