Padron, S.; Hernández, M. ; Falcón, A. Issued date: 2016 Source: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [ISSN 0885-8950], v. 31 (1), p. 63-71 SJR: 3,757 - Q1 JCR: 5,68 - Q1 SCIE Artículo
Evora, Jose; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan ; Hernandez, Mario ; Dzemyda, Gintautas; Kurasova, Olga, et al Issued date: 2015 Source: Informatica (Netherlands) [ISSN 0868-4952], v. 26 (3), p. 419-434 SJR: 0,463 - Q1 JCR: 1,386 - Q1 SCIE Artículo
Évora Gómez, José ; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan ; Hernandez, Mario Issued date: 2015 Source: Expert Systems with Applications [ISSN 0957-4174], v. 42 (21), p. 7456-7465 SJR: 1,561 - Q1 JCR: 2,981 - Q1 SCIE Artículo
Évora Gómez, José ; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan ; Hernandez, Mario Issued date: 2015 Source: Natural Computing [ISSN 1567-7818], v. 14 (1), p. 129-144 SJR: 0,417 - Q2 JCR: 1,31 - Q2 SCIE Artículo
Lopez-Rodriguez, I.; Hernandez-Tejera, M. ; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan Issued date: 2015 Source: Expert Systems with Applications [ISSN 0957-4174], v. 42 (21), p. 8014-8026 SJR: 1,561 - Q1 JCR: 2,981 - Q1 SCIE Artículo
Évora Gómez, José ; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan ; Barbosa, Daniel; Nazareno Baria, Paulo Issued date: 2014 Source: Modelling and Simulation 2014 - European Simulation and Modelling Conference, (ESM 2014), p 353 - 357 Actas de congresos
Evora, Jose; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan ; Hernandez, Mario Issued date: 2013 Source: Modelling and Simulation 2013 - European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM 2013, p. 137-141 Actas de congresos
Évora Gómez, José ; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan ; Hernandez, Mario Issued date: 2013 Source: Proceedings - IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW 2013 (6753944), p. 370-376 Actas de congresos
Evora, Jose; Hernández Cabrera, José Juan ; Hernandez, Mario Issued date: 2013 Source: Modelling and Simulation 2013 - European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM 2013, p. 207-211 Actas de congresos
Lopez-Rodriguez, Ignacio; Hernández Tejera, Mario Issued date: 2011 Source: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, SmartGridComm 2011 (6102395), p. 73-77 Actas de congresos
Lopez-Rodriguez, Ignacio; Hernandez-Tejera, Mario Issued date: 2011 Source: Demazeau Y., Pěchoucěk M., Corchado J.M., Pérez J.B. (eds) Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol 88. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Actas de congresos