Name Proceedings - Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition


Montiel Nelson, Juan Antonio ; De Armas Sosa, Valentín ; Sarmiento Rodríguez, Roberto ; Núñez Ordóñez, Antonio ; Nooshabadi, S.
Issued date: 1999
Source: Proceedings - Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition [ISSN 1530-1591] (761174), p. 509-513
Actas de congresos
Garcia, Jose C. ; Montiel-Nelson, Juan A. ; Nooshabadi, Saeid
Issued date: 2006
Source: Proceeding of the Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference [ISBN 978-3-9810801-1-7], v. 1-3, p. 408, 2006
Actas de congresos