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Título: Toxocara canis antigens stimulate the production of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E<inf>2</inf>by rat alveolar macrophages
Autores/as: Espinoza, Elsa
Muro, Antonio
Sánchez Martín, Manuel Mario
Casanueva, Patricia
Pérez-Arellano, José Luis 
Palabras clave: Vascular Smooth-Muscle
Activated Macrophages, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Editor/a: 0141-9838
Publicación seriada: Parasite Immunology 
Resumen: The effect of four Toxocara canis antigens on nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2) ) synthesis was studied in vitro using rat alveolar macrophages. Somatic and excretory/secretory T. canis antigens prepared from adult worms and LII larvae were incubated with rat alveolar macrophages obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage at concentrations of 0.1-50 mug/ml. Both excretory/secretory adult antigen (ESA) and somatic LII antigen (SLII) stimulate the release of nitrites by alveolar macrophages. This effect was specific (inhibited by l-NAME and l-canavanine) and dose-dependent; 30 mug and 10 mug being the most effective concentrations of ESA and SLII, respectively. Western blot and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analyses revealed that ESA antigen stimulates the production of NO at transcriptional level. T. canis ESA also stimulated macrophages to produce PGE(2) at transcriptional level. The addition of l-canavanine decreased the release of PGE(2) significantly, which suggests that NO mediates the production of this prostaglandin. These results indicate that T. canis can stimulate the release of vasodilatory mediators by macrophages of the host.
ISSN: 0141-9838
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3024.2002.00468.x
Fuente: Parasite Immunology[ISSN 0141-9838],v. 24, p. 311-319
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