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Título: Epigrafía y organización social en la región celtibérica: los grupos de parentesco
Otros títulos: Epigraphy and social organization of the celtiberian region: the kinship groups
Autores/as: Ramírez Sánchez, Manuel Enrique 
Director/a : González Rodríguez, Mª Cruz
Clasificación UNESCO: 510302 Filiación, familia y parentesco
55 Historia
550503 Epigrafía
Palabras clave: Celtíberos
Fecha de publicación: 1999
Resumen: The main aim of this work is to study the epigraphic contribution for the analysis of the social organization of the celtiberian region. It is based on a detailed analysis of the familia1 groups registered in the Latin and indigenous epigraphy, complemented by a detailed onomastic study of the plural genitives and singular genitives ending -o, in which we have registered al1 the sure and probable connections of these gentilic names. Our work has considered both the detailed analysis of the celtiberian and Latin epigraphy and the onomastic analysis as the only available resources to evaluate the importance of the kinship relations in the celtiberian society. Because the references found in the literature are focussed on conquest wars and the role of the war in this society, they do not provide inforrnation on the irnportance of the gentilic groups in the indigenous society. Therefure, [he kinship study of this society is made by means of a disciplined analysis of the epigraphic documentation. One of the main aspects analyzed in our research has been the study of onomastic formulas, a topic already studied by other authors but updated by us with new epigraphic resources and interpretations. The final result is a new classification of the onomastic formulas with the gentilic units, considering the kind of support, the kind of writing and the variant used in the name of the kinship group.
Descripción: Premio Extraordinario, Área de Humanidades
Departamento: Departamento de Ciencias Históricas
Facultad: Facultad de Geografía e Historia
ISBN: 978-84-691-0782-9
Colección:Tesis doctoral
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