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Título: Los animales domésticos de los habitantes de la Cueva de Villaverde (Fuerteventura)
Autores/as: Meco, J. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 24 Ciencias de la vida
2416 Paleontología
Palabras clave: Animales
Fecha de publicación: 1994
Resumen: <p>[ES] More than two hundred and fifty kilogrammes (six hundred pounds) of uncountable osseous fragments of domestic animals from the beginning &oacute;f our era have been extracted in the course of archeological excavations carried out in Villaverde. Their inventory and study have proved they belonged to, at least, five hundred goats. fifty sheep, half a dozen swine and two dogs. These animals show affinity with others from the Neolithic and Protohistoric periods of North Africa. Therefore, the goat may be included in the mamber goat group (mambrinus group) and the shepp in &quot;longipes&quot; group, both of them mummified by the Egyptians. Possibly, the swine is similar to the one found in Toukh (Egypt) and the dog may be included in the Saharan Kabyle sheepdog characterized by its small size. </p>
Fuente: Puerto del Rosario: Cabildo Insular de Fuerteventura ; Fuerteventura: Casa Museo de Betancuria, 1991-1995
Colección:Póster de congreso
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