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Título: Genetic diversity of the species of genus Patella in Madeira archipelago: preliminary results of the PCT-MAC project BIOVAL
Autores/as: Araújo, R.
Ferreira, S.
Quinteiro, J.
González, N.
Medina, C.
Manent, P.
Sarmiento, R.
González Pérez, José Antonio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 240114-4 Taxonomía animal. Peces
240108 Genética animal
Palabras clave: Fishery resources
Selvages Islets
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Proyectos: BIOVAL
Conferencia: Estuaries and Coastal Seas in a rapidly changing World (ECSA55) 
Resumen: The species selected for this study were chosen with the aim to establish joint strategies that facilitate socio-economic development through the application of molecular biology techniques for the control, management and suitable use of marine resources. In the archipelago of Madeira, four limpet species were selected (Patella piperata, P. ulyssiponensis, P. tenuis tenuis and P. candei), which are of fishery interest and show signs of overexploitation. Considering the existing legal framework on harvesting limpets and the scientific advice given to the higher authorities, following studies already carried out (BANGEN), it is fundamental to continue with the study of this natural resource by monitoring the evolution of biological, ecological and abundance indices to assess the impact of the implementation of these legal measures. It is also necessary to check, by genetic analysis, the existence of distinct populations of Patella along the coast of the archipelago of Madeira, clarifiying the taxonomic status of the genus and their valid species. A tissue bank of the genus Patella with organic material stored is being created to proceed with molecular and biochemical studies aiming to improve knowledge about phylogeny, phylogeography, population genetics, bar-coding, genomics, molecular composition and marine polution aspects.
Fuente: Abstracts del Estuaries and Coastal Seas in a rapidly changing World (ECSA55), P2.01
Colección:Póster de congreso
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