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Título: Western Sahara: reasons for extemporaneous colonization and decolonization, 1885-1975
Autores/as: Martínez Milán, Jesús María 
Barona Castañeda, Claudia
Clasificación UNESCO: 550606 Historia de la economía
Palabras clave: Sáhara
Historia económica
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Editor/a: Nova Science Publishers 
Resumen: This book discusses some of the most controversial themes in the Hispanic colonial historiography of recent years. Its objective is to offer a synthesis about Spain’s presence in the Occidental Sahara between 1885 and 1975 to show that the processes of colonization and decolonization were unseasonable to the historic context in which they took place. Addressing an English-speaking population with the objective to provide the most complete information possible on a subject matter which continues to be in the public light as a result of an unfinished decolonization process, this work is enriched with research work recently done on different aspects of this subject.
ISBN: 9781685074203
DOI: 10.52305/GYPE3794
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actualizado el 18-may-2024

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