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Title: Facile synthesis of hierarchical anatase microspheres
Authors: Jardiel, Teresa
Calatayud, David G.
Rodríguez, Mónica
Peiteado, Marco
Fernández-Hevia, Daniel
Caballero, Amador C.
UNESCO Clasification: 23 Química
Keywords: Mesoporous Materials
Chemical Synthesis
Nanostructured Materials
Precipitation, et al
Issue Date: 2013
Journal: Journal of Alloys and Compounds 
Abstract: A versatile synthesis method is proposed to fabricate hierarchical anatase microspheres under soft conditions and rendering batch volumes significantly large for practical scale-up preparation. The strategy is based on the use of non-aqueous conditions to prevent the accelerated hydrolysis of the Titanium precursor. Water traces from the air atmosphere are only incorporated during the vaporization stage, allowing a controlled precipitation process. Diluted precursor solutions and ethanolic medium promote the self-organization of the precipitated nanoparticles into stable units of spherical shape. The calcination of the obtained powder finally leads to a homogenous, monodisperse and easy to handle population of nanostructured anatase microspheres with high crystallinity and large surface area.
ISSN: 0925-8388
DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.10.174
Source: Journal of Alloys and Compounds [ISSN 0925-8388], v. 551, p. 481-484, (Febrero 2013)
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