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dc.contributor.advisorCastro Hernández, José Juan-
dc.contributor.advisorBilbao Sieyro, Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Benkovics, Alba-
dc.identifier.otherGestión académica-
dc.description.abstractIn Spain the application of the Royal Decree 363/2017 for the enforcement of a framework for the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) establishes that the inventories of the activities distribution and existents and futures procedures must be delivered by the 31.03.19 and the program must be raised to Royal Decree approval before 31.03.21. The aim of this project is to contribute the identification of the principal challenges faced by traditional insular fisheries in its integration in the initial process respect MSP. By reviewing of different research documents about spatial planning on small scale insular fisheries, among other elements, it is confirmed the lack of spatial information and the difficulty in accessing it. It is emphasized, due to the diversity of spatial scales and information sources in the professional and recreational fisheries, the need of stablishing a standardization of the fishing effort data. In short, it is necessary to make a great effort fieldwork and cabinet work to cover the absence of information in the framework of a future plan of Marine Spatial Planning in Canary Islands.-
dc.relationBases para la planificación sostenible de áreas marinas en la Macaronesia-
dc.subject531201 Agricultura, silvicultura, pesca-
dc.subject.otherCanary Islands-
dc.subject.otherMarine Spatial Planning-
dc.titlePrevious considerations about fishing in the Canary Islands in front of the Marine Spatial Planning-
dc.contributor.departamentoDepartamento de Biología-
dc.contributor.facultadFacultad de Ciencias del Mar-
dc.type2Trabajo final de máster-
dc.description.notasMáster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros ; 2016-2017-
dc.contributor.titulacionMáster Universitario en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros-
item.fulltextCon texto completo-
crisitem.project.principalinvestigatorHaroun Tabraue, Ricardo Jesús-
crisitem.advisor.deptGIR ECOAQUA: Biodiversidad y Conservación-
crisitem.advisor.deptIU de Investigación en Acuicultura Sostenible y Ec-
crisitem.advisor.deptDepartamento de Biología-
Colección:Trabajo final de máster
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