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Title: Evolution of the artificial inlet carried out in the mouth of the Senegal river by means of Landsat images
Authors: Rodríguez Valido, Silvia
Director: Alonso Bilbao, Ignacio 
UNESCO Clasification: 250618 Sedimentología
251090-1 Geología marina. Dinámica sedimentaria
Keywords: Langue de Barbarie
Coastal erosion
Sediment transport
Satellite image digitization.
Issue Date: 2014
Project: ESEDSEN I: Study of sediment movements along the Great Coast North of Senegal, between St. Louis and Potou. Contribution to knowledge of means for to improve agricultural production (Departamento de Relaciones con África, Gobierno de Canarias)
ESEDSEN II: Study of coastal erosion in the mouth of the Senegal River. Contribution to the improvement of agricultural production (Programa Europeo de Cooperación Transnacional MAC 2007-2013, en el marco del Proyecto Europeo SEMACA)
Abstract: Making border between Senegal and Mauritania flows the Senegal River. The strong littoral drift, waves and river action has resulted in the formation of a highly dynamic sandy barrier more than 40 kilometers long known as Langue de Barbarie. In October 2003 a canal was performed on this spit 7 km south of the island of Saint Louis. As a result of this fact there was a change in the hydrodynamic conditions, which seriously affected the sedimentary balance in the two sectors in which the spit was divided. Based on data obtained from Landsat images, changes in the area are quantified and it is proposed a conceptual model of evolution that explains the functioning of the new mouth of the Senegal River. This has resulted in to the erosion of the area south of the river mouth at a rate of 1.8 km/year. Making a linear extrapolation in 2023 the Langue de Barbarie will be completely eroded.
Description: Máster en Oceanografía (2013-2014)
Department: Departamento de Física
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Degree: Máster Universitario en Oceanografía
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