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Title: Natural products of Arthrospira maxima and their applications in the sectors of Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals:Experimental deepening
Authors: Ramos Carreño, Teresa
Director: Toledo Marante, Francisco Javier 
Rodríguez Pérez, Elsa María 
UNESCO Clasification: 230690 Química de productos naturales orgánicos
Keywords: Arthrospira maxima
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The cyanobacteria Arthrospira maxima, knows as Spirulina is a microscopic and filamentous cyanobacterium that has a long history of use as food. Early interest in Spirulina focused mainly on its rich content of protein, vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Spirulina is 60-70% protein by weight and contains a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and provitamin A (β-carotene). Also contain minerals, especially iron. In this study we continued with the experimental deepening in the purification and structural elucidation of marine natural products extracted from commercial Arthrospira maxima and we have made a bibliographic review on its potential as nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic product. This ambitious project was started in a previous TFT produced by our investigation group (Aduriz, 2017a,b). First, we selected the new chromatographic fractions to made this study, which were previously obtained (Aduriz, 2017a). We prepared some new chromatographic columns in which we introduced our new fractions and silica gel. Then we add different solvents with different polarities to obtain all the possible pure metabolites. Next, analytical and preparative TLC was performed to observe and produce 1-10 mg of the different metabolites. Finally, the purified fractions of marine natural products were analysed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR). So, a new sulfoglycolipid with saturated fatty acids was detected in the biomass of A. maxima.
Department: Departamento de Química
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Degree: Grado en Ciencias del Mar
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