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Título: Conference on parallel and distributed processing techniques and applications (PDPTA'05): foreword
Autores/as: Abachi, Hamid
Abdullah, Rosni
Ahuja, Sanjay P.
Alghazo, Jaafar M.
Andresen, Daniel
Arabnia, Hamid R.
Arcangeli, Jean Paul
Astsatryan, Hrachya
Chandy, John
Chen, Zizhong
Chiu, Steve C.
Chung, Ping Tsai
Constantinides, Constantinos
DeMara, Ronald F.
Dominguez, Francisca Quintana 
Goswami, Diganta
Gravvanis, George A.
Grosu, Daniel
Guo, Minyi
Sean He, Xiangjian
Hsieh, Sun Yuan
Joe, Kazuki
Kato, Hatsuhiko
Kettimuthu, Rajkumar
Lee, Jason R.
Lee, Joohan
Li, Kuan Ching
Liao, Weidong
Liu, Dan
Macías López, Elsa María 
Lopez-Benitez, Noe
Lu, Tianbo
Marowka, Ami
McDonald-Maier, Klaus D.
Mun, Youngsong
Nagar, Nitin
Nakamori, Mario
Oudshoorn, Michael
Pang, Jun
Park, Jin H.
Pedersen, Matt
Pescape', Antonio
Power, David
Shrikumar, H.
Stiles, S.
Su, H. C.
Subramani, K.
Tinetti, Fernando G.
Veselovsky, Gennady
Watson, Layne T.
Wolfinger, Bernd E.
Woo, Jongwook
Xu, Baowen
Yim, Keun Soo
Young, Gilbert
Zabir, Salim
Zhang, Chaoyang
Zhang, Xiaokun
Clasificación UNESCO: 1203 Ciencia de los ordenadores
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Conferencia: 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'05 
ISBN: 978-193241558-2
Fuente: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'05, v.. 1, (Diciembre 2005)
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