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Título: Entomophagy: Nutritional, ecological, safety and legislation aspects
Autores/as: Raheem, Dele
Raposo, António
Oluwole, Oluwatoyin Bolanle
Nieuwland, Maaike
Saraiva, Ariana
Carrascosa Iruzubieta, Conrado Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Ecology
Edible Insects
Food Legislation
Food Safety
Food Security, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Food Research International 
Resumen: Globally, there is a need to seek alternative sources of protein in addition to meat. This has led to considerable interest in edible insects. Such insects form part of cultures and diets in many Asian and African countries, and are an excellent source of essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins and proteins. Furthermore, they have been reported to be sustainable. The ecological importance of insects is related to their short life cycles when reared and farmed. This makes them ideal in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, cutting land uses and polluted water, and reducing environmental contamination. However, the use of edible insects as food in Europe is minimal. To ensure safety of insects when eaten as food, considerations should be made on: microbiological contamination; toxicological hazards, e.g. chemical hazards and antinutrients; allergenicity issues that are related to different exposures, including injection, ingestion, inhalation and skin contact. In this review, we summarize the nutritional and sustainable values of edible insects, look at safety and legislative measures and we finally discuss future issues.
ISSN: 0963-9969
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2019.108672
Fuente: Food Research International [ISSN 0963-9969], v. 126
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