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Title: SIAPEC : Sistema de Información y Avisos a la Población sobre Emergencias en Canarias
Authors: Rivero Vega, Ariano Antonio
Director: Freire Obregón, David Sebastián 
UNESCO Clasification: 3311 tecnología de la instrumentación
120317 Informática
Keywords: Seguridad y Control de Riesgos
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: The main target of this project is to create an application for mobile devices with Android Operating System. This application is called SIAPEC, whose acronym means, in Spanish, Sistema de Información y Avisos a la Población sobre Emergencias en Canarias, in English is System Information and Warnings to the Public about Emergencies in the Canary Islands. This application is about a different manager content related with security and emergencies, which destination is the Canary Islands. It is divided into advices about emergencies and health, emergency plans that have been published by the Government of the Canary Islands, links to different media that are broadcast through the Internet network of networks, access to health map of Canary, integration with various social networks like Twitter, incorporation of links of interest to the citizens of organizations responsible for disseminating information such as offering services through the Internet like dangerous goods, meteorology, an Internet search engine or communications. Moreover, it has a section devoted to medical protocols. Finally, note that this is a social project.
Department: Departamento de Teleformación
Degree: Grado en Seguridad y Control de Riesgos (No Presencial)
Rights: Acceso restringido para la comunidad universitaria de la ULPGC
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