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Título: The physico-chemical treatment of laundry waste water
Autores/as: Susial, Pedro 
Jato, Iciar G.
Larrañaga, Ignacio
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Editor/a: 0211-8173
Publicación seriada: Tecnología del Agua 
Resumen: Waste water from the washing of clothes is treated with aluminium sulphate + acrylamide to achieve coagulation/ flocculation. The analytical data obtained in a jar-test using the FTU as the control parameter demonstrate the efficacy of the process, as reductions in the FTU approaching 100% and elimination rates of 80% in the BOD5, 80% in detergents and 85% in the COD were achieved. These results show that coagulation and flocculation are sufficient to treat laundry waste water, even though it contains a high pollutant load, since both organic and inorganic pollutants can be significantly reduced by such operations.
ISSN: 0211-8173
Fuente: Tecnologia del Agua[ISSN 0211-8173],v. 26, p. 68-75
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