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Título: Analytical methodologies for the determination of nitroimidazole residues in biological and environmental liquid samples: A review
Autores/as: Mahugo Santana,Cristina Isabel 
Sosa-Ferrera, Zoraida 
Torres-Padrón, Ma Esther 
Santana-Rodríguez, José Juan 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2391 Química ambiental
2301 química analítica
Palabras clave: Pharmaceutical products
Detection systems
Biological samples
Water samples
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 0003-2670
Proyectos: Acoplamiento de la Microextracción en Fase Sólida y la Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Resolución Con la Utilización de Medios Micelares Como Extractantes: Desarrollo de Nuevos Métodos Analíticos 
Publicación seriada: Analytica chimica acta (Print) 
Resumen: Nitroimidazoles (NDZs) are antiprotozoal drugs that are typically used in veterinary and human medicine. NDZs and their metabolites are believed to possess genotoxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, and this is (one reason) why their use has been banned within the European Union. Hence, the determination of trace residues of these substances in edible animal tissues has been of growing concern over the past few years. Even, though there has been a need to develop sensitive and reliable analytical methods to study the residues of these compounds in different matrices, available methodologies in environmental samples are rather limited. These and other pharmaceutical compounds have become one of the most important new classes of environmental pollutants that have been detected in wastewater-treatment-plant (WWTP) effluents, receiving waters, drinking water and groundwater. A compilation of the most representative analytical methodologies for the determination of NDZ residues during the last decade is presented in this paper. Its scope is the two main areas which require their determination, namely biological and environmental matrices. A detailed explanation of both areas, including sample treatment and detection systems, and future trends is presented, focusing on the difficulties of confirming analytes at low concentration levels.
ISSN: 0003-2670
DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2010.03.022
Fuente: Analytica Chimica Acta [ISSN 0003-2670], v. 665, p. 113-122
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