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Título: Special Issue on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems: Preface
Autores/as: López, José F. 
Sarmiento, Roberto 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
330790 Microelectrónica
Palabras clave: Diseño de circuitos integrados
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Editor/a: 0141-9331
Publicación seriada: Microprocessors and Microsystems 
Resumen: On behalf of the Programme Committee of the XXV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits (DCIS), celebrated in Lanzarote, Spain, in November 2010, we are pleased to introduce a selection of extended papers presented to this event, in which faculty, students and industry researchers were brought together to discuss recent developments and future directions in the field of micro and nano electronics circuits and integrated systems. 2010 is an important date for this conference as it represents its maturity symbolized by 25 years of successful events. And for this special celebration, no better place than Lanzarote, in the idyllic Canary Islands, where its charm landscapes surrounded by volcanic scenarios greatly accelerated the flow of innovative ideas and the creation of new ones. 120 papers presented in 21 different sessions were finally selected for this edition. Additionally, two plenary talks from well known internationally experts in the field of reconfigurable systems and microelectronics for space, were presented in day one and three. In-between, an executive track with representatives of industry and academia gave some clues on how to increase the synergy between these two actors of innovation and how to build up win-to-win consortiums. The high scientific and technical quality of the conference is well reflected in the quality of the 12 papers you will find in this special issue. In order to compose this selection, a rigorous two-phases review process was followed. During the first phase, the set of 120 papers presented during the conference were selected. The authors of the best scored papers were then required to submit an extended version of their works in order to be reviewed in a second phase by a different list of international reviewers following the Elsevier protocol, who finally decided the acceptance of these 12 manuscripts which clearly represent the scope of the conference in those topics related to the ones encountered in MICPRO Journal.
ISSN: 0141-9331
DOI: 10.1016/j.micpro.2012.05.002
Fuente: Microprocessors and Microsystems [ISSN 0141-9331], v. 36 (5), p. 333, (Julio 2012)
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