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Title: Reply to the Letter to the Editor from Foray and Colin, entitled 'Relationship between radiosensitivity, initial DNA damage, apoptosis and gene expression: Between reproducible works and technical artefacts'. Genetics are essential in the response of normal tissues to radiation
Authors: Henríquez-Hernández, Luis Alberto 
Lara, Pedro C.
Keywords: Breast-Cancer Patients
Hyperfractionated Radical Radiotherapy
Long-Term Toxicity
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: 0960-9776
Journal: Breast 
ISSN: 0960-9776
DOI: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.02.006
Source: Breast[ISSN 0960-9776],v. 22, p. 367-369
Appears in Collections:Comentario
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