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Title: Lagrangian evolution of a mid ocean anticyclonic eddy
Authors: Rodríguez Cruz, Elisabet
Director: Sangrá Inciarte, Pablo 
Grisolía Santos, Diana 
Sangrá Inciarte, Pablo 
UNESCO Clasification: 2510 Oceanografía
Keywords: Oceanografía
Mecánica de fluidos
Issue Date: 2015
Project: Estudios de la Bomba Vertical Oceánica en Remolinos de Mesoscala 
Abstract: The lagrangian evolution of 4 months old anticyclonic intrathermocline eddy of the Canary Eddy Corridor is investigated from the trajectories of 5 satellites tracked drifting buoys. Buoys were drogued below and above the Ekman depth at 15 m and 100 m, respectively. One buoy remained inside the eddy during almost 4 months being thus a long lived coherent feature with a life span of at least 8 months. The eddy consisted in a central core rotating in solid body rotation with a rather constant periodicity of 4 days and in an outer ring rotating much more slowly with periodicities between 8 and 12 days…
Department: Departamento de Física
Degree: Grado en Ciencias del Mar
Rights: by-nc-nd
Appears in Collections:Trabajo final de grado
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