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Title: DiSeCan: A tool for consulting parliamentary sessions journals using linguistic intelligent text search (InteLiText)
Authors: Carreras Riudavets, Francisco Javier 
Hernández Figueroa, Zenón José 
UNESCO Clasification: 570104 Lingüística informatizada
Keywords: Parliamentary records
Avanced search tool
Linguistic annotation
Information extraction
Issue Date: 2024
Project: Ultraperiferia y cohesión europea: conceptualización metafórica de Europa en el discurso político canario 
Conference: International Conference Language Technologies and Digital Humanities: Resources and Applications (LTаDH-RA) 
Abstract: In representative democracies, parliaments hold legislative power, drafting laws and overseeing governments. Access to parliamentary proceedings empowers citizens and strengthens democracy. This document introduces DiSeCan, an online tool facilitating searches in the Session Journals of the Parliament of the Canary Islands, an autonomous community of Spain. DiSeCan offers various search methods including string-based and lexical searches, and users can filter results using metadata like speaker and session number.
Source: The Conference "Language Technologies and Digital Humanities: Resources and Applications (LTaDH-RA) will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 26-28 June 2024
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