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Title: The intercultural dimension in language learning: some cases studies
Editors: Álvarez Gil, Francisco José
Quintana Toledo, Elena
Sánchez Cuervo, Margarita Esther
UNESCO Clasification: 570111 Enseñanza de lenguas
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing Group 
Abstract: This volume brings together studies which represent current perspectives on second language learning and teaching in relation to language and culture in intercultural contexts. The authors reflect on and analyse a variety of topics such as the significance of recognizing and valuing heritage speakers in intercultural contexts, the role of multimodal mediation strategies in language teaching materials, and the impact of intercultural variation on language assessment. Their contributions provide a unique lens through which we can view the intricate relationship between language and culture in second language settings where learners of different cultural backgrounds are involved. Overall, the chapters contribute to the ongoing scholarly discourse in the field of applied linguistics and language education in intercultural contexts.
ISBN: 9782875748867
DOI: 10.3726/b22255
Appears in Collections:Books
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