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Title: Distribution of Cephalopods in North-West Africa : (Cape Bojador - Punta Pescador)
Authors: Bas Peired,Carlos 
UNESCO Clasification: 240191 Invertebrados no insectos
310503 Localización de peces
Issue Date: 1975
Publisher: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Comité de Crustacés, Coquillages et Benthos
Abstract: 63rd meeting of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea held from September 29 to October 8, 1975 in Montreal. There is an important demersal fishing area between Cape Bojador (23º N) and Punta Pescador (23º30' N) in the Spanish Sahara coast, supported basically by species belonging to the SPARIDAE and CEPHALOPODA groups, At the present cephalopods are extended to the sparidae grounds due to the nigh ievel of expiotation upon sparidae species in past years (1.950 - 1.960). Fishing effort is raising so high íevels that yield for cephalopods is decreasing drarnatically
63e réunion du Conseil international pour l'exploration de la mer tenue du 29 septembre au 8 octobre 1975 à Montréal. On présente la distribution de tailles et abondances chez les cephalopodes a la plataforme continental près du Sahara Spagnol, avec conmentaires des speces les plus importantes du point de vue scientifique et commerciale. Les relations des deux parametres cites avec la profondeur est specialment abordée.
Source: 63ª reunión del International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 1975. p.1-10
Appears in Collections:Informe científico
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