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Título: ¿Qué pasas con los contaminantes emergentes que llegan al suelo cuando se riega con aguas regeneradas?
Autores/as: Fernández-Vera, Juan Ramón 
Mendoza-Grimón, Vanessa 
Estévez Navarro, Esmeralda 
Guedes-Alonso, Rayco 
Montesdeoca-Esponda, Sarah 
Pacheco Juárez, Javier 
Sosa-Ferrera, Zoraida 
Palacios-Díaz, María del Pino 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330811 Control de la contaminación del agua
3101 Agroquímica
310205 Riego
Palabras clave: Contaminación del suelo
Cambio climático
Escasez de agua
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editor/a: Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
Conferencia: 1st CONGRESS BRIDGE to AFRICA 
Resumen: A multi-residue methodology was established to understand what happens to emerging compounds (EC) in irrigated soils reusing re generated water. To improve the knowledge of the bioavailability of EC to be absorbed by plant roots, a water:methanol extractant was used after enriching diff erent soil samples with a mixture of 23 EC. To discriminate biodegradation from adsorption, tyndaliza tion-sterilized and nontindalization-sterilized soil samples were fortifi ed with 2.5; 5; 10 and 50 μg/L and 10 and 50, respectively, (equivalent to 17.5 and 350 μg/kg of soil). A multi-residue method capable of determining emerging contaminants that may occur in soil has been validated. Following EC present signifi cant diff er ences due to tyndalization: Ac, At, Cb, Cy, Kt, Sl, Tr and Vl, their eff ect not being signifi cant for the rest of EC. The low recoveries have demonstrated the diffi culty of extracting compounds from the soil, which explains the low absorptions presented by crops irrigated with regenerated water. Thus, the barrier represented by the soil and the rhizosphere seems to guarantee the safety of re use, so it is necessary to delve into these stud
ISBN: 978-84-9042-527-5
Fuente: 1st CONGRESS-BRIDGE to AFRICA [ISBN 978-84-9042-527-5], p. 46-50
Colección:Actas de congresos
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