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Title: Using blood biochemistry in diary goats at parturation to determine colostrum quality
Authors: González Cárdenes, Iria
Director: Hernández Castellano, Lorenzo Enrique 
González Cabrera, Marta 
UNESCO Clasification: 230290 Bioquímica de alimentos
310407 Ovinos
310906-1 Nutrición. Rumiantes
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Several colostrum components are transferred during colostrogenesis from the blood to the mammary gland. Currently, there are no studies that evaluates the use of blood variables around parturition to predict colostrum quality (i.e., IgG concentration). This study aims to determine the correlation between diverse blood variables (i.e., IgG, β-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, calcium, lactate dehydrogenase, free fatty acids, and total proteins), plasma optical density and BRIX degrees with colostrum IgG concentration in dairy goats at three hours after parturition. Twenty multiparous Majorera goats were used. Blood samples were collected immediately after parturition and then at 3h relative to parturition. Goat kids were immediately removed from dams and were not allowed to suck colostrum. Colostrum samples were collected at 3 hours (h) postpartum. Immunoglobulin (Ig) G concentrations on blood plasma and colostrum were measured using commercial ELISA kits. Concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), glucose, calcium, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), free fatty acids (FFA), and total proteins were measured on blood serum. Plasma optical density (OD) and BRIX degrees were determined with a manual and digital refractometer respectively. Data was analysed using the PROC CORR of SAS (SAS 9.4). Statistical significance was set as P ≤ 0.05. Colostrum IgG concentration collected at 3h after parturition was 54.6 ± 11.67 mg/mL. Serum total protein concentration at 0h and 3h (6.2 ± 0.66 and 5.9 ± 0.65 mmol/ L, respectively) was correlated with colostrum IgG concentration (r = -0.673, P = 0.003). Lactate dehydrogenase concentration (455.9 ± 96.10 U/L) was correlated with colostrum IgG concentration at 3h (r = 0.546, P = 0.029). Plasma OD and BRIX degrees were correlated with colostrum IgG concentration at 3h (r = -0.497, P = 0.042; r = -0.592, P = 0.016, respectively). The other blood variables at 0h and 3h showed no significant correlations with colostrum IgG concentration (P ≥ 0.139). The present study demonstrates that colostrum IgG concentration is correlated with serum total protein at 0h and 3h and LDH, OD and BRIX degrees collected 3h after parturition were also correlated with colostrum IgG concentration. These findings could improve colostrum quality assessment on farms before parturition.
Department: Departamento de Patología Animal, Producción Animal, Bromatología y Tecnología de Los Alimentos
Faculty: Facultad de Veterinaria
Degree: Grado en Veterinaria
Appears in Collections:Trabajo final de grado

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