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Title: From recommendations to action: following up on the European Commission's Rule of Law Report recommendations
Authors: López Aguilar, Juan Fernando 
Heller, Waltraud
Shömann, Isabelle
Tsereteli, Nino
Kazatchkine, Natacha
Rosenkilde, Julie
Álvarez Ciordia, Berta
Svoboda, Marek
Zemgulyté, Deimanté
UNESCO Clasification: 560504 Derecho constitucional
Issue Date: 2022
Source: Annual Conference on Fundamental rights and the Rule of Law - Putting the Rule of Law Report recommendations into action / EESC, Room JDE 62 and online, 26 septiembre de 2022, Brussels, Belgium, 03.30 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. | Roundtable 2
Appears in Collections:Ponencias
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