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Título: Deep demersal fishes in the Canary Islands
Autores/as: Pascual-Alayón, P.
Brito, A.
González Pérez, José Antonio 
Santana, J. I.
Falcón, J. M.
Lozano, I. J.
Jiménez, S.
González-Lorenzo, G.
Clasificación UNESCO: 240114-4 Taxonomía animal. Peces
Palabras clave: Bottom longlines and traps
Experimental fishing
Deep-sea, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 1993
Editor/a: Museu Municipal do Funchal
Conferencia: 1st Symposium Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands 
Resumen: Some remarks about deep-sea demersal species of fishes captured in fishery prospections from La Gomera, Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Canary Islands) between 300-2500 m depth are given. Long-lines and experimental traps were used during the cruises. Twenty-five species werre collected. For each species, data on their ecology, bathymetric and geographic distribution are presented.
Fuente: Abstracts 1st Symposium Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands, p. 47
Colección:Póster de congreso
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