LFE, Rev. leng. fines específ. n.19, 2013
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Introduction Introduction to a very special "special issue", p. 11Spceial Issue
- Jorge Braga Riera and Carmen Maíz Arévalo. CLIL and translation in tertiary education, p. 30
- Petra Daryai-Hansen, Sonja Barford and Sussanne Hvedtfeldt. Úberwindbare Barrieren. Berufsorientierter Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Fehmarnbeltregion, p. 61
- Miquel Àngel Fuentes. What do students talk about? The relevance of content-focused and non-content-focused talk types within peer-interaction CLIL tasks, p. 81
- María Soledad Hoyos Pérez. La enseñanza integrada de lenguas y contenidos en formación profesional, p. 110
- Adrijana Krebs and Itziar Simó Arroyo. Aproximación teórica y práctica a un curso de EFE de farmacia, p. 147
- Myriam Maldonado Juárez. Teaching and learning science in context, p. 184
- Laura Martínez Escudero. Discussing content and language integrated learning in domain name dispute resolution, p. 210
- Joan Masnoyu Suriñach and Sarah Khan. Junior university: a rite of passage, p. 229
- Nashwa Nashaat Sobhy, César Berzosa and Fiona M. Crean. From ESP to CLIL using the schema theory, p. 252
- Eugenio Cianflone. Framing research in food science: the state of the art on research articles, short communications and poster presentations, p. 270
- Elena Domínguez Romero. Spanish vs English mediated lectures: a contrastive approach to the use of evidential markers, p. 288
- Renia Lópa-Ozieblo. Reflections on the use of nonverbal communication in teaching Spanish to sino-speakers, p. 310
- Pedro Martín-Martín. The teaching of academic writing to English as second language students: a functional genre-based approach, p. 330
- Carmen Piqué-Noguera. English-written abstracts for Spanish publications: a challenge in the globalization of science, p. 353
- Anna Franca Plastina. Multimodality in english for specific purposes: reconceptualizing meaning-making practices, p. 373
- Françoise Salager-Meyer and María ángeles Alcaraz-Ariza. Medical case reports and titleology: a diachronic perspective (1840-2009), p. 398
- Grisel S. Salmaso. Instancias narrativas en entrevistas de admisión: núcleo y estructura retórica de Acciones Verbales, p. 415
- María Luis carrió-Pastor (ed.). Content and language integrated learning: cultural diversity. By Ivalla Ortega Barrera, p. 444
- Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez. CLIL in higher education. Towards a multilingual language policy. By Ruth Breeze, p. 452
- Paul Gruba and Don Hinkelman. Bleding tecnoligies in second language classrooms. By Margarita Vinagre, p. 458
- Ana Llinares, Tom Morton and Rachel Whitaker. The roles of language in CLIL. A useful guide for practitioners of content and language integrated learning. By Mandy L. Deal, p. 461
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19