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Title: The secrets of publishing your article in Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans)
Other Titles: The secrets of how to publish your paper in the international journals
Authors: Barton, Eric D.
Keywords: Revistas científicas
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Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: The editorial and review processes along the road to publication are described in general terms. The construction of a well-prepared article and the manner in which authors may maximise the chances of success at each stage of the process towards final publication are explored. The most common errors and ways of avoiding them are outlined. Typical problems facing an author writing in English as a second language, including the need for grammatical precision and appropriate style, are discussed. Additionally, the meaning of plagiarism, self-plagiarism and duplicate publication is explored. Critical steps in manuscript preparation and response to reviews are examined. Finally, the relation between writing and reviewing is outlined, and it is shown how becoming a good reviewer helps in becoming a successful author
Source: IV Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar = IV Congreso de Ciencias del Mar = IV International Symposium in Marine Sciences. -- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2014. -- Conferencias plenarias
Rights: by-nc-nd
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