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Title: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria "Nomad City" Leisure and Co Working in an atlantic city
Authors: Parreño Castellano, Juan Manuel 
Moreno Medina, Claudio Jesús 
Domínguez Mujica, Josefina 
UNESCO Clasification: 520301 Movilidad y migraciones interiores
520302 Movilidad y migraciones internacionales
Issue Date: 2021
Conference: 34th International Geographical Congress
Abstract: Communication technologies have favored a modality of remote work that has been identified as teleworking for more than two decades. Recently it is possible to recognize an added aspect of this specialization, the case of workers defined as digital nomads because they travel long distance in search of a temporary attractive leisure-led residence, while allowing them to develop a remote work. To meet this demand, many cities have been generating a new infrastructure on accommodation (co-living) and work (co-working), modalities that are combined with the promotion of these destinations through meetings, congresses, etc. and the dissemination of this specialization through channels of digital communication. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is a clear example of this process and for this reason the poster we propose has set these objectives: to present the recent history of this specialization; to identify the location of the co-living and coworking spaces and the calendar of congresses dedicated to this aim; to recognize the business of entrepreneurs in this specialty; and to analyze the geographical origins, motivations and socio-demographic characteristics of digital nomads residing in the city. To reach these targets we use sources of quantitative analysis (documentation and statistical processing of the initiatives developed); qualitative (interviews with entrepreneurs and digital nomads) as well as the geo-referencing of such specialization. We believe that these objectives allow us to defend a new urban specialization of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, an Atlantic city at a stage of strength of digital capitalism, which uses its territorial advantages to competitive in this new global socioeconomic structure.
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