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Título: Continued implication of the banned pesticides carbofuran and aldicarb in the poisoning of domestic and wild animals of the Canary Islands (Spain)
Autores/as: Ruiz-Suárez, N.
Domínguez Boada, Luis María 
Henríquez Hernández, Luis Alberto 
González-Moreo, F.
Suárez Pérez, Alejandro 
Camacho Rodríguez, María De Los Ángeles 
Zumbado Peña, Manuel Luis 
Almeida González, Maira Del Pino 
del Mar Travieso-Aja, M.
Pérez Luzardo, Octavio Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3214 Toxicología
3109 Ciencias veterinarias
Palabras clave: Aldicarb
Banned pesticides
Intentional poisoning
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Publicación seriada: Science of the Total Environment 
Resumen: Although nowadays the intentional poisoning of domestic and wild animals is a crime in EU, in the past the poison was used in rural areas of a number of European countries to kill animals that were considered harmful for human activities. In Spain evidences indicate that intentional poisonings continue to occur throughout the entire country nowadays. This situation seems to be of particular concern in the Canary Islands (Spain), where this study was performed. Our results confirmed that 225 animals were poisoned by pesticides over the study period (32. months; 2010-2013). The intentionality of the poisoning was confirmed in 117 cases. It has to be highlighted that the other 108 animals also died by pesticide poisoning, although the intentionality was only suspected. This incidence is currently the highest reported in any region from European Union. The pesticides carbofuran, bromadiolone, brodifacoum and aldicarb were the most frequently detected involved. Among the affected species, it has to be highlighted that endangered species are frequently affected in poisoning incidents. Notably, chemicals banned in the EU (carbofuran and aldicarb) were identified in approximately 75% of cases, and in almost 100% of baits, which suggests that these pesticides are still available to the population. Several circumstances may explain these results. Firstly, little control over the sale and possession of pesticide products, and the potential existence of an illegal market of pesticides banned in the European Union in the neighbouring African continent. In addition, the limited awareness of the population about the dangerousness of these compounds, for the environment, animals, or even people, make the situation very worrying in these islands. Stronger regulations, control of legal and illegal pesticide use, development of educational programs and legal action in poisoning incidents are needed to decrease the impact of pesticide misuse on wildlife and domestic animals.
ISSN: 0048-9697
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.093
Fuente: Science of th total environment [0048-9697], v. 505, pp. 1093-1099 (Febrero 2015)
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