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Título: La révolution lexicographique, du papier aux données interopérables : proposition d'un prototype d'une ressource lexicographique bilingue français-espagnol spécialisée en architecture
Autores/as: Bartolomé Díaz, Zaida 
Director/a : Trujillo González, Verónica Cristina 
Frontini, Francesca
Clasificación UNESCO: 570503 Lexicografía
6201 Arquitectura
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Resumen: Our work is based on the observation of three particularly relevant facts. Firstly, we note the prevailing need to promote and develop professional exchanges between French and Spanish language speaker, especially in the Canary Islands, which, due to its proximity to the African continent, views itself as a link between Europe and Africa. Secondly, we are all aware of the unstoppable process of globalization and the importance that companies/institutions currently give to the adaptation of professionals to this process, which makes the use of specialised terminology updated in a certain field and language essential. This is not always easy, as there are not enough adapted resources that reflect the new terminology of the different specialised fields and that can be consulted in a simple and complete way. And thirdly, as indicated by Hinrichs and Krauwer (2014) the digital age has opened up entirely new ways for researchers in all fields of science to gain easy access to large amounts of electronically available data, tools and services to analyse and visualise the contents of such datasets, and even more importantly to collaborate on joint research projects, relying on virtual research environments and geographically distributed research infrastructures as a backbone for such collaborations. Based on these facts, we have defined our objectives as follows. The first purpose of our PhD work is to show how specialised bilingual dictionaries have been seriously forgotten in national lexicographies. For this reason, we start with a historical overview that allows us to study and retrace the different stages of monolingual and bilingual lexicography, focusing in our case study on Spanish/French dictionaries and more especially on specialised lexicography. Thanks to our research, we can demonstrate that the French and Spanish languages have been closely linked throughout history, influencing each other. Despite this common history, the existing lexicographical resources dedicated to technical language that do not use English as the axis language are very scarce. Hereafter, we have decided to focus on the field of architecture, because we realized that there is a significant lack of specialist bilingual lexical material in this field, both in France and in Spain. And which, as mentioned above, is particularly important in the professional context of the Canary Islands. The discipline of architecture is one of the less analysed from the point of view of language, and this although the importance of the historical architectural capital that exists in France as in Spain. For this purpose, we have also carried out a historical overview of French and Spanish lexicography specialised in architecture. Nowadays, we realize that, as far as this language pair is concerned, we find just a very few bilingual French-Spanish dictionaries. We have only encountered four bilingual French-Spanish dictionaries, published in 1967, 1968, 1969 and 2001, and only on paper. After identifying this existing lexicographical lacuna, the second objective of our work is to study and analyse the latest technological trends applied to lexicographic resources. To reach this objective, we analyse the different theories and advances in current lexicography, recalling the evolutions and set of techniques applied to lexicographic resources. And we address the importance of designing resources that follow a standard format so that they can be interoperable with other resources and users. And this is indeed our third objective, the creation of a prototype of a bilingual French-Spanish dictionary specialised in architecture, digital and interoperable. In order to respond adequately to our third objective, we develop in our work a series of preliminary theoretical questions. And, on the basis of these preliminary theoretical questions, we finally present a sequential theoretical-practical methodology for the development of a prototype of a bilingual French-Spanish specialised descriptive terminographic resource, coherent with current terminographic trends.
Descripción: Programa de Doctorado en Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios en sus Contextos Socioculturales por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Colección:Tesis doctoral
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