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Title: Basketball from perspective of nonlinear complex systems
Authors: De Saa Guerra, Yves 
Director: Navarro Valdivielso, Manuel Evaristo 
García Manso, Juan Manuel 
Martín González, Juan Manuel 
UNESCO Clasification: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Keywords: Baloncesto
Actividad física
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: We consider basketball as a complex systemic unit. There is areciprocal relationship between the basketball team and its environment. Therefore it is importantto figure out thebehaviorof the participating agents, as well as their relationships. First at all we carried out an approach to the degree of competitiveness of a sport league as complex phenomenon. In thefirst study, we used the results of previous seasons as a way to investigate the victoryprobabilities of each team. We developed a model based on Shannon entropy using two extreme competitive structures, a hierarchical structure and a random structure and applied this model to investigate competitiveness of the NBA (USA) and the ACB (Spain). Both leagues entropy levels are high (NBA mean 0.983; ACB mean 0.980) indicating high competitiveness although entropy of the ACB (from 0.986 to 0.972) demonstrated more seasonal variability than the NBA (from 0.985 to 0.990). Thismethodology has been useful for investigating sports competitiveness.
Description: Doctoral program: Motor praxiology, physical education and sport training
Department: Departamento de Educación Física
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte
Rights: by-nc-nd
Appears in Collections:Tesis doctoral
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