Gómez Déniz, Luis

Refined By:
Structure:  gir idetic: división de procesado digital de señales
Structure:  iu para el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación
Structure:  gir iuces: centro de tecnologías de la imagen
Researcher:  gómez déniz, luis
Type:  actas de congresos

Vasquez Salazar, Ruben Dario ; Cardona Mesa, Ahmed Alejandro ; Gómez, Luis ; Travieso-González, Carlos M. ; Garavito-González, Andrés F., et al
Issued date: 2024
Source: Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR[ISSN 2197-4403], p. 509-512, (Enero 2024)
SJR: 0,168
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Actas de congresos
Vasquez Salazar, Ruben Dario ; Cardona Mesa, Ahmed Alejandro ; Gomez, Luis ; Travieso-González, Carlos M. ; Garavito-Gonzalez, Andres F., et al
Issued date: 2024
Source: 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024[EISSN ], (Enero 2024)
Actas de congresos
Canino, José Miguel ; Gómez, Luis ; García, Jesús ; Besada, Juan; Casar, José Ramón
Issued date: 2009
Source: AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings
Actas de congresos
Canino, José Miguel ; Gómez, Luis ; García, Jesús; Besada, Juan; Casar, José Ramón
Issued date: 2009
Source: 8th Innovative Research Workshop and Exhibition, Proceedings, p. 99-106
Actas de congresos
Díaz-Suárez, Víctor D.; Travieso, Carlos M. ; González-Fernández, Javier; Ferrer, Miguel A. ; Gómez Déniz, Luis , et al
Issued date: 2009
Source: Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast 2009[ISSN 0302-9743],v. 5717, p. 137-+
Actas de congresos
Canino Rodríguez, José Miguel ; Gómez Déniz, Luis ; Garcia Herrero, Jesus; Besada Portas, Juan; Casar Corredera, Jose Ramon
Issued date: 2008
Source: Proceedings of the 2008 Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference, ICNS Conference 2008 (4559183)
Actas de congresos
Bernal, Salvador Dura; Rodríguez, José Miguel Canino ; Herrero, Jesús García; Portas, Juan Besada; Déniz, Luis Gómez 
Issued date: 2008
Source: Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI[ISSN 2166-0727]
Actas de congresos
Canino, José Miguel ; Gómez, Luis ; García, Jesús ; Besada, Juan; Casar, José Ramón
Issued date: 2008
Source: AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings
Actas de congresos
Rodríguez, José Miguel Canino ; Déniz, Luis Gómez ; Herrero, Jesús García; Portas, Juan Besada; Corredera, Jose Ramón Casar
Issued date: 2007
Source: AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings
Actas de congresos
Canino Rodríguez, José Miguel ; García Herrero, Jesús; Besada Portas, Juan; Gómez Déniz, Luis 
Issued date: 2007
Source: MCCSIS 2007 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems - Proceedings of Intelligent Systems and Agents 2007, Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2007, Computer Graphics and Visualization 2007[EISSN ],v. Part 1, p. 82-90, (Enero 2007)
Actas de congresos
Aghzout, Otman; Gómez Déniz, Luis ; Canino Rodríguez, José Miguel ; Medina Mena, Francisco
Issued date: 2000
Source: Proceedings of MS'2000 international conference on modelling and simulation / Ed. Rosario Berriel Martínez, p. 471-478
Actas de congresos