Carrillo Díaz, Teresa

Refined By:
Structure:  departamento de ciencias médicas y quirúrgicas
Researcher:  caballero naranjo, elena
Researcher:  ortega rodríguez, nancy raquel

Carrillo Díaz, Teresa ; Cumplido, José; Ortega Rodríguez, Nancy Raquel ; Caballero Naranjo, Elena ; Cruz, David, et al
Issued date: 2010
Source: Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology [1698-0808], v. 20, suppl. 2, pp. 1-3
JCR: 1,489
- Q3
Ortega Rodríguez, Nancy Raquel ; Verdú, Patricia; Caballero Naranjo, Elena ; Castillo Sáinz, Rodolfo ; García Dumpierrez, Antonio , et al
Issued date: 2009
Source: Journal Investigation Allergology and Clinical Immunology [1698-0808], v. 19, suppl. 3, pp. 21-23
JCR: 1,189
- Q3
Ortega Rodríguez, Nancy Raquel ; Verdú, Patricia; Caballero Naranjo, Elena ; Castillo Sáinz, Rodolfo ; García Dumpierrez, Antonio , et al
Issued date: 2009
Source: Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology [1018-9068[, v. 19, supl. 3, pp. 21-23
JCR: 1,189
- Q3
Caballero Naranjo, Elena ; Verdú, Patricia; Martínez, Dara; Ortega Rodríguez, Nancy Raquel ; Almeida, Lourdes, et al
Issued date: 2008
Source: Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology [1018-9068], v. 18, supl. 3, pág. 157 (Bilbao, 5-8 de noviembre 2008)
JCR: 1,254
- Q4
Actas de congresos