Hernández Brito, José Joaquín

Refined By:
Researcher:  hernández brito, josé joaquín
Structure:  gir g9-historia, economía y sociedad
Researcher:  collado sánchez, cayetano
Type:  artículo
Researcher:  ramírez cañada,rubén

Bergasa, Oscar ; Ramírez Cañada,Rubén ; Collado, Cayetano ; Hernández-Brito, J. Joaquín ; Gelado-Caballero, María Dolores , et al
Issued date: 2007
Source: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment [ISSN 0167-6369], v. 127, p. 127-133
JCR: 0,885
- Q3
Collado, C. ; Ramírez Cañada,Rubén ; Bergasa, Oscar ; Hernández-Brito, J. J. ; Gelado-Caballero, M. D. , et al
Issued date: 2006
Source: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment [ISSN 1743-3541], v. 95, p. 45-53
Ramírez Cañada,Rubén ; Collado, C. ; Bergasa, Oscar ; Hernández Brito, José Joaquín ; Gelado, M. D. 
Issued date: 2006
Source: WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health [ISSN 1743-3525], v. 10, p. 203-211