Máyer Suárez, Pablo Lucas

Refined By:
Researcher:  perez-chacon espino, maría emma
Structure:  gir iocag: geografía, medio ambiente y tecnologías de la información geográfica
Researcher:  díaz pacheco, jaime salvador

Yanes Luque, María Amalia ; Rodríguez-Báez, José A.; Máyer Suárez, Pablo ; Dorta Antequera, Pedro ; López Díez, Abel , et al
Issued date: 2021
Source: Natural Hazards [ISSN 0921-030X], v. 109, p. 1297-1325, (2021)
SJR: 0,7
- Q1
JCR: 3,158
- Q2
Máyer Suárez, Pablo Lucas ; Perez-Chacon Espino, María Emma ; Díaz Pacheco, Jaime Salvador ; Macías González,Francisco José ; López Díez,Abel 
Issued date: 2020
Source: V Congresso Internacional de Riscos "Contribution of the science for disaster risk management. Acting today, protecting tomorrow". Abstracts, p. 76
Actas de congresos
Máyer Suárez, Pablo Lucas ; Díaz Pacheco, Jaime Salvador ; Fernández Cabrera,Elisabet María ; López Díez,Abel ; Hernández Calvento, Luis Francisco , et al
Issued date: 2018
Source: Proceedings of the SRA-E-Iberian Chapter (SRA-E-I) Conference: interdisciplinarity in practice and in research on society and the environment. Joint paths towards risk analysis / María Amérigo ; Juan A. García ; Rui Gaspar ; Sílvia Luís (Eds.), p. 45-46
Póster de congresos