Trujillo Pino, Agustín Rafael

Refined By:
Researcher:  santana núñez, josé miguel
Researcher:  suárez rivero, josé pablo
Structure:  gir iatext: patrimonio cultural: textos, materialidades y memorias
Researcher:  ramírez sánchez, manuel enrique
Researcher:  ortega trujillo,sebastián eleazar

Ramírez-Sánchez, Manuel ; Suárez Rivero, José Pablo ; Trujillo-Pino, Agustín ; Fernández Moniz, Pablo; Santana Núñez, José Miguel , et al
Issued date: 2016
Source: Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage / C. E. Catalano and L. De Luca (editors), p. 179-182
Actas de congresos
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