Name Computational Methods in Applied Sciences


Refined By:
Researcher:  greiner sánchez, david juan
Structure:  departamento de ingeniería civil
Researcher:  maeso fortuny, orlando fco

Toledo Quintana, Rayco ; Aznárez, Juan J. ; Maeso, Orlando ; Greiner, David 
Issued date: 2015
Source: Evolutionary Algorithms and Metaheuristics in Civil Engineering and Construction Management / Jorge Magalhães-Mendes; David Greiner (eds.). Computational Methods in Applied Sciences [ISSN 1871-3033], v. 39, p. 105-125
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Toledo, Rayco ; Aznarez, Juan J. ; Maeso, Orlando ; Greiner, David 
Issued date: 2015
Source: Advances In Evolutionary And Deterministic Methods For Design, Optimization And Control In Engineering And Sciences / Greiner D., Galván B., Périaux J., Gauger N., Giannakoglou K., Winter G. (eds). Computational Methods in Applied Sciences [ISSN 1871-3033], v. 36, p. 335-349
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Capítulo de libro