Name Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering


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Structure:  iu sistemas inteligentes y aplicaciones numéricas
Structure:  gir siani: modelización y simulación computacional
Researcher:  rodríguez barrera, eduardo miguel
Researcher:  escobar sánchez, josé m

Benitez, Domingo ; Escobar, J. M. ; Montenegro, R. ; Rodriguez, E. 
Issued date: 2019
Source: Roca X., Loseille A. (eds) 27th International Meshing Roundtable. IMR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, [ISSN 1439-7358], vol 127, p. 425-444. Springer, Cham,
SJR: 0,496
- Q1
Actas de congresos
Benitez, Domingo ; Escobar, J. M. ; Montenegro, R. ; Rodriguez, E. 
Issued date: 2019
Source: Roca X., Loseille A. (eds) 27th International Meshing Roundtable. IMR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, [ISSN 1439-7358], v. 127, p. 385-404.. Springer, Cham
SJR: 0,496
- Q1
Actas de congresos