Name Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise


Vicente-Rodriguez, German; Ara, Ignacio; Perez-Gomez, Jorge; Serrano-Sanchez, JA ; Dorado, C , et al
Issued date: 2004
Source: Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise[ISSN 0195-9131],v. 36 (10), p. 1789-1795
JCR: 2,552
- Q1
De Torres-Peralta, Rafael S. ; Olmedillas-Fernandez, Hugo; Calbet, Jose Antonio L. ; Morales-Alamo, David; Rodriguez-Garcia, Lorena, et al
Issued date: 2011
Source: Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise[ISSN 0195-9131],v. 43 (5), p. 300-300
SJR: 2,137
- Q1
JCR: 4,431
- Q1
Actas de congresos