Name European-Desalination-Society (EuroMed) Conference on Desalination for Clean Water and Energy


Refined By:
Structure:  gir iunat: control analítico de fuentes medioambientales
Researcher:  gómez gotor, antonio
Type:  artículo
Structure:  gir group for the research on renewable energy systems
Researcher:  pérez báez,sebastián ovidio

del Río Gamero, Beatriz ; Prieto Prado, Inés ; Perez Baez, Sebastian Ovidio ; Gómez Gotor, Antonio 
Issued date: 2016
Source: Desalination and Water Treatment[ISSN 1944-3994],v. 57, p. 23420-23429
SJR: 0,343
- Q2
JCR: 1,631
- Q2