
Marrero, D. ; Macias, EM ; Suárez Sarmiento, Álvaro 
Issued date: 2005
Source: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN'05, p. 539-545
Actas de congresos
Galván, Salvador ; Quintana Suárez, Miguel Ángel ; Macías López, Elsa María ; Suárez Sarmiento, Álvaro 
Issued date: 2005
Source: Icwn '05: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks / Ed. by: Laurence Tianruo Yang, Hamid R. Arabnia, Li-Chun Wang, p. 268-274
Actas de congresos
Santana, Octavio; Carreras, Francisco J. ; Rodríguez del Pino, Juan Carlos ; Pérez Aguiar, José Rafael 
Issued date: 2005
Source: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications, MLMTA'05, p. 46-52
Actas de congresos
Abachi, Hamid; Abdullah, Rosni; Ahuja, Sanjay P.; Alghazo, Jaafar M.; Andresen, Daniel, et al
Issued date: 2005
Source: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'05, v.. 1, (Diciembre 2005)